Sunday 29 April 2012

Accountancy - Revenue Recognition Concept

According to the revenue recognition concept, in order to recognize revenue from a transaction, there are two things which should have occured, namely : -

  • Transaction should have been entered into;
  • Right to receive the payment must be established.

The revenue recognition event need not necessarily occur with the event of collection of cash. Once the above two factors are established, even if the cash is received at a later point in time, it does not make any difference to the recognition of revenue. The undermentioned video explains the concept of revenue recognition in detail. You can also visit our website, to watch many more videos on Accountancy. Have a happy learning.

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iEdubook is all about educating people, whether students, professionals, or individuals. be it in school studies, in Finance matters for life, your taxation, and everything else. Our repository, and growing user base at is a testimony to this fact. This blog is contributed by Mr. Arinjay Kumar Jain, who is an Indian Chartered Accountant by profession, with more than 10 years of experience in Tax, Mergers & Acquisiton, Private equity investment structuring and other matters with firms like KPMG India and RSM.
