Showing posts with label ICSE Accounts Class XI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICSE Accounts Class XI. Show all posts

Monday 30 April 2012

Accounting Equation and Impact of various adjustement on Accounting equation

You can also visit our website, to watch many more videos on Accountancy prepared by CA. Arinjay Kumar Jain. Have a happy learning.

Accounting equation forms the basis or the foundation for the double entry bokk-keeping system. According to this equation, for each and  transaction, the total debits equal the total credits.
It is also represented as under : -
Assets = Liabilities + Capital

Impact on Accounting Equation - Introduction of Capital  in business

When capital is introduced in Business, Cash available with the business increases. An increase in asset is debited and added to the asset side. Similarly, the business owes the same amount to owners for capital and this amount is credited, and hence shown on other side of Accounting equation.

Impact on Accounting Equation for Salary payments
Payment of Salary in cash reduces the Asset side of the Accounting Equation. Similarly, given that Salary is an expenditure, on a standalone basis without any income it would increase the loss of the Business and reduce the Capital of owners.

Impact on Accounting Equation - Purchased Plant and Machinery  in Cash Credit

Purchase of Plant and Machinery  in Cash or Credit would increase the Asset available in Business, namely Plant and Machinery and hence be Increased in the asset side by that Amount. When its purchased in cash, it would reduce cash balance on Asset side. On the other hand, when purchased on credit, it would increase the liability to the Supplier of Plant and Machinery

Impact on Accounting Equation -  Capital withdrawn by owners

When the owners of business withdraw capital, Cash is reduced from the Asset side to that extent since its paid to the owners. At the same time, since amount due to owners from Business is reduced, capital account of the owners is also reduced by an equal amount

Sunday 29 April 2012

Accountancy - Matching Concept for Revenue

According to the Matching Concept for Revenue, cost incurred to earn revenue is recognized  as an expenditure only during the period when the revenue is recognized as having been earned, i.e , we match the expenditure to the related revenue. This has three aspects : -
  • As revenue is recognized as income, related expenditure is considered as an expense in the profit and loss account;
  • Expenses pertaining to revenue, which are to be earned in next accounting period are carried forward as deferred expense in Balance Sheet and treated as an expense only in next year;
  • Advance revenue received is to be treated as income in the year when the corresponding services are provided or property in goods is transferred.
You can also visit our website, at the following link,-ICSE/Class-XI/Accountancy.html to watch many more videos on Accountancy. Have a happy learning.


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iEdubook is all about educating people, whether students, professionals, or individuals. be it in school studies, in Finance matters for life, your taxation, and everything else. Our repository, and growing user base at is a testimony to this fact. This blog is contributed by Mr. Arinjay Kumar Jain, who is an Indian Chartered Accountant by profession, with more than 10 years of experience in Tax, Mergers & Acquisiton, Private equity investment structuring and other matters with firms like KPMG India and RSM.
